RM Bridge View Help

Influence Line - 2D Display

In this window it has to be specified for which Traffic Lane and for which Load Train certain Influence Line should be displayed. For a complete definition the position along the structure and Result Component has to be selected. The position along the structure is defined by choosing an Element and Point which defines Begin or End of chosen element.

When a Load Train is selected then it will be displayed at the positions where the maximum and minimum influence for the selected Result Component and element is produced.

It is possible to display only a influence line for certain Traffic Lane without selecting a Load Train.

To add a new Influence Line the Add button has to be clicked. The combination will always be added at the end of the list. By clicking the Delete button the selected influence line will be deleted.

Lane Number of Traffic Lane for which the Influence Line will be displayed. The number can be typed in or it can be selected from the drop down menu next to the input field.
Train Number of Load Train to be displayed. The number can be typed in or it can be selected from the menu next to the input field.

Selection of the Traffic Lane and Load Train combination to be visualized is possible also from the list offered when clicking on the drop down button. The list represent all Traffic Lane and Load Train combinations defined with the LiveL schedule action. This list represents all live load combinations which were calculated.

Element Number of Element for which the influence line will be displayed.
Point Defining if the Influence Line will be shown for element begin or element end.
Component Influence Line(s) will be displayed only for selected Result Component(s).
options At the bottom of the dialog, there is possible to adjust the height of the drawing text - height of the text for Result Component(s) and Elements (if displayed).
Draw Elements The Element numbers will be displayed.